A prayer...
Dear God...
I am sorry. We are sorry.
For neglecting You.
For being arrogant.
For looking up without seeing You.
For looking down without remembering You.
For opening our eyes without being thankful.
For closing our soul to Your caress.
For walking forward without looking back.
For turning our head everywhere except to You.
I apologize. We apologize.
For tasting your blessings without sharing.
For taking without giving.
For forbidding our heart to love.
For allowing our mind to hate.
Dearest God...
Please give us a chance to redeem.
Please give us a moment to remember You.
To whisper our prayers, to send them through the silent wind... to You.
I will cry. We will cry. We will allow ourselves to dry our eyes. To pray for the departed.
But we will ultimately walk forward, hand in hand, with You.
*There is no words I could write for the disaster victims in Yogyakarta and Middle Java, except a silent prayer I mutter everyday...*
I am sorry. We are sorry.
For neglecting You.
For being arrogant.
For looking up without seeing You.
For looking down without remembering You.
For opening our eyes without being thankful.
For closing our soul to Your caress.
For walking forward without looking back.
For turning our head everywhere except to You.
I apologize. We apologize.
For tasting your blessings without sharing.
For taking without giving.
For forbidding our heart to love.
For allowing our mind to hate.
Dearest God...
Please give us a chance to redeem.
Please give us a moment to remember You.
To whisper our prayers, to send them through the silent wind... to You.
I will cry. We will cry. We will allow ourselves to dry our eyes. To pray for the departed.
But we will ultimately walk forward, hand in hand, with You.
*There is no words I could write for the disaster victims in Yogyakarta and Middle Java, except a silent prayer I mutter everyday...*
At 7:25 PM,
oca said…
Kayaknya Tuhan ngasi hampir seluruh umur dunia deh kesempatannya...
Orang tuh emang baru inget Dia kalo dikasi musibah, kalo dalam keadaan menderita, kalo dalem kondisi tertindas.
Sesungguhnya keberadaan Dia itu baru terasa kalau kita ngalamin penderitaan.
Jadi apa sih yang lebih membahagiakan daripada tetep dalam kondisi sadar buat tetep terus inget Dia??? Penderitaan.
At 10:42 PM,
dikisatya said…
Setelah kejadian air bah zaman Nabi Nuh, Dia pernah berjanji tidak akan mengulangi bencana yang sama besarnya.
So let's just say, He dropped something unintendedly. Up there.
If that makes us remember Him, still good though.
At 11:32 PM,
ilmaffectional said…
We are nothing but a particle of dust...
At 9:43 PM,
L. Pralangga said…
Ah, sudahlah..jangan hanya berujar..
Didepanmu terbuka peluang besar..
Bukalah tanganmu keatas dalam pinta dan sabar..
Agar dibuka pintu maaf dan anugerah yang besar..
Ya Allah, salah dan dosa hamba ini besar..
Amat besar lebih dari bayangan sadar..
Janganlah kiranya Engkau membiarkan diri terlantar..
Hanya memiliki bekal sepotong amalan yang hanya sebentar..
Jadikanlah diri ini hamba penuh syukur dan sabar..
Andai asa ini hanya tersisa hingga ba’da Ashar..
Ampunilah salah dan dosa terhindar An-Nar..
Masuk dalam pintu syurgamu terbuka lebar..
Senang bisa mampir kesini, salam kenal dan salam hangat dari afrika barat :)
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